Tuesday, August 14, 2007

World's tallest Buddhist Stupa in Kesariya

Last time when I went to my hometown Kesariya (Bihar), I saw this Buddhist Stupa. It is only at a walking distance from my home. It is really amazing to see that it holds the distinction of being the largest in the world.

Many years ago when I used to go there it was in the form of a mound and there was a small temple near by. Somehow the temple was related to the mound. I had a curiosity to know about that mound as people used to say that there was a monk lived at the top of that mound and no one else could dare even to climb on that.

My excitement increased when my Dadi (grandmother) told me a story behind it and it was one of my favourite stories I heard from her. She told me there was a king's palace hidden in that mound and was blessed by spirits. As dadi told me many people even British government tried to find the treasure hidden in the mound but they did not succeed to dig that. Since then it was called a spiritual place worshiped by local people of the area. I used to see it with curiosity as if there is something mysterious hidden in it.

I have been hearing for last few years that a team from Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) noticed this mound and came to see it. If we pay heed to the history of Bauddh religion and the life of Buddha, this place has an important role in history. Historical record shows that Lord Buddha stayed in Kesariya ('Kessaputta' in ancient India) during his last few months of life. It is said that Buddha had prediction about his impending death. Before his nirvana, Buddha said people to go back to Vaishali but they followed him without caring for his instructions to go back. It is believed that Lord Buddha spent a night at Kesariya and handed over his begging-bowl to people and asked them to go back to Vaishali after his death.

Attractions of Stupa - Excavated in 1998, this place has become a global tourist attraction within a short span of time. According to some archaeologists, this monument dates back to 200 AD to 750 AD, and is associated to some Raja Chakravarti. The stupa is believed to be of a height of 150 ft while the Borobodur is of 138. The striking similarity in the two is that both have six floors, and the diameter of the Kesaria stupa is equal to that of the width of the Borobodur. The stupa was built to commemorate the end-life of Lord Buddha, by Licchvis, as for the matter of fact Buddha held the Lichhvis high and also preached others to do so.

Buddha's simple and ethical principles also come into mind while one travels this huge Stupa, nearly twice as large as that of Sanchi.


Brendan Sullivan said...

I want to see that!

Unknown said...

I see to kesariya Buddhist Stupa.

It is very nice and world largest stupa.

I want to designing this stupa.
I want stupa sarounding make park and Car and motor parking. I think Any turist coming stupa so not sutable hotel Giveus.

so I want give me contanct so I am doing working another person.
I want make this stupa, So any person see and we told any person nice locality and very nice place.

I see buddhist stupa March 25 2008. Very nice place.

Sujit Kumar
Environmental Contrator and designear.

Gopal Kamal said...

milarities with Borobudur Wghich is claimed te not a stupa but a mandal? if any info u have pass it on

Sujit Kumar said...

I since my my chilhood days used to pass through a small hill which was locally known as 'DEULA' while going to the house of my aunt living in nearby village Dekaha. It used to be a great time for me when I was allowed to climb on the 'DEULA'. In the span of time I was surprised one day while going through the daily news paper 'The Telegraph' when I was a Engineering student of Gauhati University in Assam, mentioning about kesariya and a beautiful stupa standing in the front half of my favourite 'DEULA' and I was very much eager to see that. After my exams got over I rushed to my village Mahammadpur located just 3 KMs from kesariya and I had a far glimpse of the the Stupa from the way passing just next to Baba Keshvar Nath Temple. After reaching home first thing I did after having my lunch was to get a bike and rush to my favourite place and when I reached there I was really astonished to see the historical monument carved out of front part of 'DEULA'. It was great moment for me because I can see the very great Stupa without missing my 'DEULA'. Really I proud to belong to the land of the Budha.
Long live Kesariya.

Unknown said...

I also belong to this village.....
and i have seen this stupa...
its almost 1 km from my home.
every time i visit my village i don't forget to go there...
and feel proud too......


Unknown said...

One more point......
Why we always forget to mention
about Lord shiva temple.....
After all it also one of
the historic part of kesariya......
I don't know why tourism corporation has a step behavior towards this temple......

APF said...

Hi Arpana, I am a historian working on a new history of the architecture of India. Do you know if anyone has a plan of the kesariya stupa?


ranjana pathak said...

hi, arpana
I am ranjana pathak and my home town is kesariya too.your effort is highly recommendable.every year during summer vacation i use to visit kesariya. dewara,kesarnath,and kesariya mahotsava is forte of this peaceful and beautiful village.give some more details about u.seeming like we have some relationship.
good bye

Anonymous said...

Nice photo ana post. Spring Temple Buddha is very famous.The statue depicts Vairocana Buddha and is 128 meters high with a weight of over 1000 tonnes.Laykyun Setkyar second tallest statue in the world and the is 116 meters.Ushiku Daibutsu third tallest statue in the world.It depicts Amitabha Buddha and is plated with bronze.Guanyin Statue is a fourth highest statue in the world. statue has three sides, one facing the island and the other two face the South China Sea.Grand Buddha at Ling Shan is a very attractive place. For more details refer Tallest Buddha

aryan said...

Hey Arpana, first of all thank u so much 4 writing a blog about our home town kesariya. i also belong to a village called LALACHAPARA(kesariya) which is just near this historical stupa. i just love visiting this place whenever i go to my village. it really makes me feel happy whenever i see a person from kesariya... good luck..

aryan said...

hii arpana, i have have some photos of this stupa n nearby places. can i post them here? if yes , then how..?
my e-mail id is. pal_alok2006@rediffmail.com

Avanish kumar said...

Hi Arpana,This is Avanish.I also belong to that place.My home(Adarsh Nagar) is just walkable distance from that stupa.I am really proud of my village.May i know more about u arpana?
email - avanishjee94@gmail.com

Anjitha said...

This may be one of biggest stupa but not biggest in the world.

Jethawanaya is the World's tallest Buddhist Stupa


Unknown said...

Located in Patna, Kesariya Stupa is believed to be the world's highest stupa and is a famous tourist spot, which is a part of the Bodh Circuit tour, organised by the state tourism department of Bihar. For tourist accommodation, check out these hotels in Patna.